Star Wars Battlefront’s ‘Supremacy Mode’ Promises Big, Frontline Action

You won’t be conquering the galaxy in Star Wars Battlefront, but you can battle your way to being Sith Lord of the hill, EA tells us.

Among the various modes that the game’s unveiled over the past few months, its “Supremacy” multiplayer mode promises to be the most action-packed thus far as DICE’s Dennis Brännvall would have us believe.

Akin to the series’ classic mode of Galactic Conquest, “Supremacy” will see players capturing territory, but on a single planet as opposed to the greater Star Wars galaxy. Each of the game’s five map will be divided into five control points, with each team controlling two at the start. Teams will then have to battle it out for all five in a set order before the round’s ten minutes are up.

Brännvall says that the mode allows for a variety of offensive and defensive strategies that’ll plant you in the heat of the action at every opportunity. Everyone’s invited from the ground to the air – heroes and villains alike.

“When you spawn into Supremacy, you don’t have to move far to see a lot of friends – and enemies,” Brännvall explained. “You’re thrown into a massive frontline, where your screen is filled with adversaries: infantry, Heroes, Walkers, and starfighters.”

The lead level designer further spoke on Darth Vader himself, saying that the Dark Lord would be a bit tougher than the average Hero character in the field.

“Using a character like Darth Vader to secure control points is great, as he can take increased damage before going down,” Brännvall continued. “Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett are great for moving swiftly between attacking and defensive positions, and giving you the edge against opponents in battle.”

Fans needn’t worry about dying too often, as Brännvall claims that Battlefront will ensure that players respawn close to where they want to be.

“You will always spawn close to the action when you enter Supremacy, so you’ll never feel isolated from the fight,” Brännvall. “By focusing on one key point at a time, players not playing the objective and camping on a hill somewhere will be a rare sight.”

DICE alluded that the maps in Battlefront will be fairly large – though how large, we don’t know – but Brännvall expressed his fondness for Endor’s in particular, mentioning a major Ewok village as one of the map’s highlights.

Star Wars Battlefront launches this Nov. 17th in North America and Nov. 20th in Europe for Playstation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One. EA Access subscribers will be gaming away with Battlefront a week early on Xbox One.

Via EA

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