This is Why Sunset Overdrive is Too Good for Live-Action

Sunset Overdrive’s “Awesomepocalypse” isn’t so fun when it involves real explosives, according to Insomniac.

The studio’s left us a taste of how bad it’d be in a Sunset City left to Hollywood’s own devices. Things literally blow sky high it’d seem. Plenty of people might very well have died to bring you this trailer. (not really)

The tongue-in-cheek trailer doesn’t end there. The multistory rail grinding, grotesque mutants, and explosives-filled teddy bears top off a parade float that won’t stop swearing and a naïve young actor who’s about to get more than he bargained for.

For the virtual Sunset Overdrive, enjoy a bit of behind the scenes commentary and animated amps system in which no teddy bears gave their lives.

Sunset Overdrive launches exclusively for Xbox One this October 28th. Microsoft is also releasing a sporty white Xbox One bundled with the game.


Via: Xbox on YouTube

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