Tank! Tank! Tank! Gets ‘Extras! Extras! Extras!’ In Japan

Tank! Tank! Tank! Featured Image

Tank! Tank! Tank! Was an interesting launch game for Nintendo’s Wii U which saw players take control of (you guessed it) a tank and take on all sorts of villains such as dragons, robots and more. Whilst the game didn’t favor very well with reviewers due to its repetitiveness and lack of online play it seems that Japanese gamers will get a better version…

The game is due to be released at retail on February 21 in Japan but if gamers want a downloadable version they can get it from today, yes the 26th December, nearly two months in advance!

The game also comes with a “basic pack” which contains a city level with free for all, team battle and giant monster modes (also including multiplayer elements) which will be free but can only be played up to three times per day.

What’s even more interesting is that this isn’t a “full-version” as gamers will need to pay 4,800 Yen to upgrade to the full version or 200 Yen for each map pack to play different areas in the game.

This is surely a very unique way of doing things, would you appreciate a more content-heavy demo-style game such as this?

[Source: Nintendo Everything]

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