The Overwatch Effect

As gamers, we all look for the aesthetically pleasing qualities of a video game. I know some might say that graphics aren’t always everything, however, if we take the time to appreciate the story behind a video game, we must also respect the hard work that goes into world design and character development. I consider Overwatch to be a fine example of how perfectly implemented design and artistry can impact the way we play a game, and how we rate the overall experience.

Pixar themed craftsmanship is a key component of Overwatch and really does play a part in the style of the game, and makes each character stand out in their own distinctive way. This was implemented by the great minds of the design team at Blizzard who wanted to bring their own unique ideas to life, and that is exactly what they did. Diversity certainly plays a part in the design of Overwatch and has impacted the way we look at the domain, with different locations from around the world featured within Overwatch which is a representation of what the Blizzard team are all about, and where they come from. Genre, ethnicity, and sexuality have also played a huge part in how each Hero is represented and personally I have a lot of respect for this.

Creating a personality for a video game character helps you to relate and identify with them, despite the fact they are manufactured in the imagination. My relationship with this game has been growing into an addiction which has driven me to be competitive and supportive of the character that I choose, and this is something which I have never experienced with a video game before. You study the strengths and weaknesses of each character which is visually represented by their stature, physique, and weaponry. Each division of Overwatch is identified by the purpose and ability of each character, with Attack and Defense based heroes alongside Tank and Support heroes.

Overwatch, Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzplanet

Overwatch has multiple maps to symbolize the different locations that each hero resides in, which are visually represented with exceptional artistic design and very few flaws that I can identify. The maps are vivid and detailed to perfection that stands out more than any other online multiplayer platform I have seen before. Each map contains little nooks and crannies for you to explore, make your post and stand your ground. This makes each fight a little bit different, every single time.

One of the best features of Overwatch includes the option to change the physical appearance of each hero with a skin, which has been customised to suit the build and stature of each character. The skins represent a theme which is in relation to a current event during certain times of the year. Historically we have had the lunar event, anniversary event and my favorite, the winter event. Each skin is so thorough and represents true artistry and creation from the developers. With each skin that is released, it makes you want more and more as a player. Each loot box you open makes you sweat with anticipation as you hope for that one skin that stood out above the rest.

In terms of video game design, I have always been very critical. I build a relationship with the character I choose and if I can’t relate to them or give them their own identity, I struggle to maintain a love for the game and a desire to carry on playing. Characterisation in video games helps us to understand the story itself and allows us to indulge in the lifestyle and history of the character. Overwatch is a universe that anyone can become a part of and each character symbolizes the strengths and greats minds of Blizzard and what they represent.


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