The Way of Wrath exhibiting at IWOCon 2021

(The Way of Wrath - Animmal)

Animmal’s successful KickStarter campaign has finally come to fruition by appearing at IWOCon! Their tactical RPG, The Way of Wrath, will be making a huge splash this year. Animmal describes the title as,

The Way of Wrath is a narrative-driven tactical RPG featuring turn-based, dynamic combat and a non-linear world where your decisions matter. Set in a pseudo-historic Bronze Age, the meticulously handcrafted wintry landscapes of The Way of Wrath seethes with shamans, superstition, and dark rituals. Players are charged with uniting a war-torn army of nomads while preparing for an impending enemy onslaught. Forge your destiny as a tyrant, trickster, or noble leader but remember, with every action there are consequences.

It is nice to see more indie games to light through crowd funding. Games that big developers won’t touch because they are scared to take a chance can now come to gamers. I hope more developers go this route, especially since a lot of people are getting tired of “Man Shooters.”

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