The Witcher 3’s Gone Gold

The Witcher 3: Wildhunt has gone gold, or as the term’s known in the game biz, “done.”

After a string of delays since its original November 2014 release window, the CD Projekt RED-made RPG’s gone through a variety of stumbling blocks on its way to launch. Now that it’s “gone gold” though, the game’s entirely completed on a virtual level and ready to head to manufacturing, a.k.a printing discs as well as distributing digital codes.

Studio boss Adam Badowski recounted the challenges making the game, saying that he and his team worked “so damn hard” to make The Witcher 3 as jam-packed with content as possible.

“From the corrupt nobles in Novigrad to ancient monsters lurking in deep forests, to the bustling cities, colorful ports and breathtaking vistas; all the people, all the places — we literally spent tens of thousands of hours to turn all that into an adventure that will kick your ass and make you want to come for more. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has gone gold and will soon be yours.”

Allegedly crammed with over 200 hours of stuff to complete to 100% (i.e. platinuming, all the achievements, steam cards), The Witcher 3‘s arguably the biggest project the studio’s undertaken yet and easily one of the biggest RPGs of the year in sheer size alone, though not necessarily in difficulty.

The Witcher 3 will see Geralt of Riveria unsheathe his badassery on Windows for PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 this May 19th.


Via PC Gamer & IGN

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