Thirsty Thursday Culture Cocktail – February 2, 2017

The Division, Ubisoft

Welcome to this week’s round of drinks!

It’s finally February! The holidays are a great time but it’s kind of nice to have all the work and stress behind us. We’ve got a big year of gaming ahead of us with a lot of highly anticipated releases coming our way. From Breath of the Wild to Andromeda to the many announced indie games, there’s so much good stuff on the way. You can count on some great coverage for news, reviews, and editorials from all of us at BagoGames but you’ll unfortunately be responsible for clearing your schedule to attempt to play all the great titles on the way.

Anyway–we’re all playing some great stuff and consuming some great media right now and would love to share our recipes with you! Without further ado, here’s what we’re drinking this week and how we think it’s going to go down!


They Live, Universal Studios

Drink Away the Holiday Dulldrums

6 oz of The Division with friends

4 oz of Final Fantasy XV

2 oz of They Live

A spritz of Persona on the good ol’ PSP

Now that the holidays are over and we have to settle back into the normal grind, it is rather nice to take some aggression out on looters with friends in The Division. Getting away from all the work problems is also nice with Final Fantasy XV. When my hands grow weary or my controllers run out of juice, I can always pop in John Carpenter’s They Live and remember that we’re not really in control. Then I’ll be jumping into some Persona on the PSP for something completely different.

– Jerry Dobracki


Overwatch, Activision Blizzard

Overwatch New Year Sake

1 Shot of Sake (more if desired)

Too Few Loot boxes for all the skins

Add ‘losing track of time’ as needed

Shake well while microwaving people as Symmetra

In honor of the Lunar New Year, try out this new Overwatch cocktail that can statisfy the completionist in you, as well as offering too many hours of ignoring your friends to play with strangers as your favorite Overwatch characters. Not getting the skins you want from loot boxes? Just add a shot of sake as needed to take away that frustration and soon you’ll be asking “Where’s my Play of the Game?” like the rest of us.

– Alexx Aplin


Gamers in Beta

The Nerdy New Year

5 lbs Holiday Junk Food

1 deck of Gift Cards

10 oz of Amazon Splurging

40 oz Podcasting

10 oz Whiskey

1.21 jigawatts of culture & sophistication

After greedily indulging in the first ingredient, take the second ingredient (along with a tablet or phone) into the bathroom and spend with reckless abandon to create the third ingredient. Wash hands thoroughly before mixing the next two ingredients, resulting a must-listen GOTY episode of BagoGames’ critically acclaimed and world renowned podcast, ‘Gamers in Beta’! Then shower to both cleanse yourself of that blatant self-promotion and make yourself presentable.

– Corey Atwood



Tasty Tasty Progressive Punch

4 oz of Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution

5 oz of Wild Turkey 101

4 oz of Friends

A spritz of Spotify

I’m pretty limited on time for leisure time as I write and edit for BagoGames and write for a few other websites as well but I’ve been enjoying the hell out of one of my wonderful Christmas gifts from my parents. ‘Our Revolution’ is a great read so far and it’s nice to have some sanity in the face of all the madness happening around us. I’ve been enjoying some Wild Turkey 101 as I edit and write because I can’t enough of it. It’s delicious and tasty and if you’re 21 or older, I highly recommend it. I’ve been watching Friends with my wife on Netflix and have been enjoying it a lot. I’d never seen it until now except here and there in passing. I’ve been listening to a lot of great stuff on Spotify as well and am eagerly awaiting some of the new albums coming out this year. I especially can’t wait for the newest album from Gorillaz. They’re on of my top five favorite artists.

– Josh Nichols

It’s been a great week with games, fun, and good drinks. We’d love to hear what you’re all playing, reading, watching, and listening to as well! Let us know in the comments or reach out to us on Twitter @BagoGames where the Bago conversation is always happening. Well, we will see you guys in two weeks with some more drinks. To keep up with what we’re playing, make sure to check out next week’s Humpday Haiku article!

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