Top 10 EU Most Popular XBLA Titles

You have to question whether or not if everybody on earth already owns at least one copy of Minecraft as once again the title has emerged at number one in the most popular XBLA titles on the European Xbox Live Marketplace.

Elsewhere on the charts show that even the free games, Happy Wars and Crash Course 2, still struggle to keep up with the most popular of digital ware, even if they are charging a price!

The top ten most popular XBLA titles in Europe this week are:

  1. Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
  2. State of Decay
  3. Happy Wars
  4. Crash Course 2
  5. Guardians of Middle-earth
  6. Fireburst
  7. STORM
  8. Trials Evolution
  9. Sanctum 2
  10. Thunder Wolves

[Source: Xbox 360 EU Marketplace]

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