Top 5 Best Nintendo Switch Deals – June 2020

A look at June 2020's best Nintendo Switch deals.

Banner Best Nintendo E-Shop Deals June 2020

When it comes to the Nintendo Switch e-Shop, it has become somewhat of a dumping ground for shovelware. Finding good games in a sea of cheap bargain bin games can be a bit of a hassle. So we’ve decided to make it easier for you by highlighting the best Nintendo Switch deals, and maybe spotlight some hidden gems.

Each month on BagoGames, we will be taking a look at the 5 current best deals on the Nintendo e-Shop. Hopefully we can help you build a better Switch library and save some money in the process.

5 – Klondike Solitaire

For those of us who grew up with PC’s, Solitaire has a special place in our hearts. Many hours were spent in my life idly playing Klondike Solitaire on my Windows PC while watching stuff or just needing a break. The card game has been around for ages, and it’s a classic.

I decided to pick up this version on a whim as I felt the need for a Solitaire game on the go. And this one does a pretty decent job at it.

Despite its low price point, there are no microtransactions, unlike Microsoft’s current version. The game instead goes for a bit of a reward progression system, where you earn XP by playing. XP unlocks more music tracks, deck customizations and backgrounds.

It’s a really well done Solitaire game, with some really nice relaxing music and attractive visuals. And considering it’s currently less than a dollar, I strongly recommend picking it up if you like Solitaire.

PRICE: $0.89
SAVINGS: $8.10

4 – Velocity 2X

Velocity 2X should be familiar to some people who own a PlayStation Vita. The game has now made its way to the Nintendo Switch, which makes a lot of sense given it’s a very similar system.

Velocity 2X is a 2D shooter that mixes vertically scrolling 2D shooter stages with platforming run’n’gun stages. The mix of gameplay styles makes for a very dynamic gaming experience. And the game makes sure to throw in enough mechanics to keep the game interesting.

The game also has a story to it, shown in cutscenes between each mission. It’s a pretty gorgeous game as well, with a very nice art style. It’s also helped by a really good electronica soundtrack, which has some pretty catchy tunes.

Speedrunning is also strongly encouraged, as the game rewards completing stages as quickly as possible. And online leaderboards makes sure you can compete against your friends for the best stage times.

It’s definitely a well made game that deserves some attention. And given its current price drop, I highly recommend checking it out.

PRICE: $4.99

3 – Goat Simulator – The GOATY

If you’re not familiar with Goat Simulator, then… Well then you’re not familiar with it I guess. So I’m gonna give you a brief introduction to it.

Imagine a world where you’re a goat. Imagine simulating this world. Now imagine that this simulation is held together by duct tape and chewing gum.

Goat Simulator is a game that is broken in all the right ways. A lot of its “bugs” are mainly features and the game seems shoddily made purely on principle.

That being said its amusement factor can be a bit short lived. Which is why a price drop for this game is perfect. Since this is a kind of game you might wanna pick up cheap.

Furthermore, this is the GOATY version of the game, which includes all the extra DLC they’ve released for it. Because there was apparently a demand for this.

PRICE: $7.49
SAVINGS: $22.50

2 – Resident Evil

There isn’t much to say about Resident Evil that hasn’t been said already. This is the game that defined a genre. Sure, other similar games came before it, but this was the moment survival horror was born for real.

This is the HD remake of the game, which unfortunately has re-recorded dialogue. This shifts the tone away from the more campy b-movie feel of the original game, and makes it a more serious experience.

But whether or not you’re a fan of this change or not, it’s still a really engaging game to play. Solving puzzles while trying to survive a zombie outbreak is still as fun now as it was back in the 90’s.

So make sure to grab this classic on the Switch while it’s on sale. Right now there’s a really good deal on it.

PRICE: $12.89
SAVINGS: $17.10

1 – Divinity Original Sin 2 – Definitive Edition

Few RPG’s have gotten as much cred lately as Divinity Original Sin 2. As a sequel to a game that already was extremely impressive, the sequel builds on that game in a lot of interesting ways.

Both games have a strong focus on co-op, with the same kind of party you’d see in a typical DND campaign. And the mechanics allow players to not only work together, but also form their own opinions on how things should be done.

So this mechanic is what makes these games so unique. Few RPG’s go to this length to allow the players actual roleplaying. It’s refreshing to see a proper RPG like this in an era where games like Fallout 76 can be called RPG’s, when so little roleplaying is actually involved.

Definitely grab it now, as it has a pretty nice price drop at the moment. And hopefully you can persuade some friends into getting it as well. The Switch version has the added benefit of being portable as well.

PRICE: $34.99

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