Top Rated Films By Gamblers & Players About Iconic Games

Find out the list of top films ranked by gamblers and gamers to watch during isolation. Ready to play?

If anyone found it easy during the isolation period, it’s gamers. You can’t socialize, go to school or work, you get to stay home all day eating junk food and killing time – sounds like a dream come true for any joystick lover. However much we love gaming though, we need to give our fingers a rest from time to time. I know what you’re thinking – you like movies, you like games – how bad can a movie based on a video game be? Beware, my friends, you have no idea. Let’s check out the video game films that picked up some of the highest rankings by the fans.

Jumanji: The Next Level

Among video game themed movies, Jumanji is reaching a high spot. The first movie made a lot of money, thus the second one came to life soon after. The Next Level is becoming the gamers movie that you gotta watch, even though you might not be a fan of the first one, the combination of friendship, romance, and gender fluidity. The best part of the movie is still the plot – getting sucked into a video game with your friends. Because of its popularity, Jumanji became the symbol for merchandise and there is even a Jumanji slot at online casinos for fans.

Hordes of Zombies in Resident Evil Movie 

Resident Evil is one of the most popular games, and so the movies aren’t far off. This 6-part story is sexy, mind-blowing at times, dynamical and easy to follow even if you’re making an all-night marathon and getting wasted while at it. The T-virus is running wild around the world turning people into zombies, with Alice jumping at them and shooting stuff. The newest Resident Evil game is getting high scores and perhaps another movie is coming form it soon, but the Unibet’s Resident Evil slot game is getting quite high on a Slots Review List as well. All things considered, the perfect horror movie video game for quarantine times.

Assassin’s Creed

Like many other movies for gamers, Assassin’s Creed is based on a series/franchise of the game. If you are familiar with the story, you’ll enjoy the trip of Fassbender (spoiler alert!) to his ancient killer cousins, where he’ll learn how to be the Dante from Devil May Cry kind of badass to combat the society of Templars and ultimately save the world.

TOP Lego Movie: Minecraft

Now, this is one of those sentimental movies that gamers love. It’s a nice put-together (pun intended), although Lego does some serious exaggeration of the number of films and series these guys made. Among all of them, however, Minecraft is the best one yet, especially if you are feeling a deep emotional connection with this immortal game that revolutionized everything.

The Angry Birds Movie: Background of the Top the Mobile Game

After the mobile game started trending as a dandy fun thing that it was, we could see this movie coming. This is by far one of the best movies for gamers ever made, and the high score both critics and the audience gave it is absolutely justified. Enjoy finding out why the birds are so angry while waking up your inner child cuddled-up under the blanket with a glass of wine. Yup, this is the way this film was intended to be watched.

DOOM is sure to Please Fans of the Video Games

There is no right answer to how drunk you ought to be to enjoy this movie. It’s fun overall, yet it doesn’t take up much of your neural activity so it’s safe to put on for the ultimate chill night. The movie reminds us of Resident Evil if Resident Evil took place on Mars. Also, instead of zombies, the vicious enemies are demons from Hades itself. As it turns out from this movie, Mars is not the most friendly planet in our solar system. The plot sticks to the original story, reminding us of a movie about video game competition where the characters compete how much they know about the actual game.

The best games ever invented turned out to become either really great theme for video slot games or a movie that will most likely disappoint you if you are a fan and you are sober, but help the time go faster if there’s nothing better to do on a silent isolation night.

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