Trails in the Sky 50% Off on Steam

Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is now on sale for $9.99 through Steam.

Developed by Nihon Falcom and published by XSEED, Marvelous USA, this RPG offers plenty of gameplay and longevity for this special promo price. A mystical technology that is used in everyday life called “orbal energy”, has been integrated into everyday life. During the Orbal Revolution that took place 50 years ago, the technology of using orbments led the world into a fast-paced development of new inventions and weapons with the use of the orbments. All was not peaceful with the advancement in technology since many were creating powerful weapons which led to war.

The land became ridden with the skirmishes that people could now conduct with their new weapons. Soon an organization with members called bracers, came into the light to bring back peace to areas. Those in need of a monster or criminal apprehended could put the request through their area’s Bracer Guild and the bracers who take on the request would fulfill it. One day a transport unit carrying Cassius Bright, an S-ranked bracer disappears. His daughter and adopted son will search for Cassius throughout the Kingdom of Liberl and learn something that will change their lives.

Trails in the Sky has more than 50 gameplay hours with plenty of secrets and sidequests to tempt JRPG fans into replaying. This title supports Steam Cloud and Steam Achievements. The 50% off sale will end on March 18th,. If you were thinking of testing the waters in the Legend of Heroes series, the deal on Trails in the Sky is a decent start!

Trails in the Sky / XSEED, Marvelous USA, Inc.

Via Steam

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