Ultra Street Fighter IV Coming Digitally in Early June

Capcom has detailed their release plans for Ultra Street Fighter IV.

The game will see its earliest release in ‘early June’ as a digital upgrade on Xbox 360 and PS3 for $14.99. Then, come August, the digital upgrade will become available on PC for the same price, while the full digital bundle and retail copies will come out for Xbox 360 and PS3 for $39.99. Unfortunately, for PC players looking for the digital bundle, they will have a wait a bit longer. However, when it does finally release, it’ll be $10 cheaper at $29.99.

“Apologies to our PC fans, as we did want to release simultaneously, but this was the only way that we could ensure that Ultra Street Fighter IV would be included in the largest fighting game tournament in the world,” reads the post on Capcom-Unity.

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