Unity Now Available for New Nintendo 3DS

Wind Up Knight 2

The Unity 3D Engine is one of the most used game engines going right now, but one of its main missing features was a lack of support for games on the Nintendo 3DS. As of today, Andrew Innes of Unity Technologies has announced that the engine will now support the New Nintendo 3DS. The first game to be announced as supporting the New Nintendo 3DS is Wind Up Knight 2, which was released on Wii U in August of 2015.

This news has been a long time coming, as Unity Technologies has been discussing a plan to make Unity accessible for New Nintendo 3DS developers at both of their Unite Tokyo and Unite Europe conferences in 2015. The engine could be used on the original 3DS but only in a limited capacity.

The first question people usually ask is “do you support the original Nintendo 3DS too?”  To which the answer is a qualified “yes”. We can generate ROM images which are compatible with the original Nintendo 3DS, and there are certainly some types of game which will run perfectly well on it, but for the majority of games we strongly recommend targeting the New Nintendo 3DS for maximum gorgeousness.
-Andrew Innes, Unity Technologies

Those who enroll in the Nintendo Developer Program will have free access to Unity for the New Nintendo 3DS. There are still some caveats in place though, as most of the work was simply made to have the editor work for the New 3DS. Some features such as Shadow Maps and UNet are not available in this release of the application, but will likely be updated in further iterations. The Japanese version of Wind Up Knight 2 went on sale at the end of last year for the New Nintendo 3DS.

Source: Unity

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