Valve Lays Off Employees From Hardware and Android Departments

Well here’s one company I never expected to be hit with lay offs –of any kind– but it seems that Valve has taken to laying off a number of people, some from their hardware and Android departments.

Gamasutra has reported on the incident, stating that a number of employees have been let go from Valve in what some are calling a ‘great cleansing’. A total of 25 has been said, but it’s unconfirmed at this point.

Meanwhile, Develop added to the news with reports that Jason Holtman, the company’s Director of Business, has also left for unknown reasons. They later updated with a small list of names thought to also be leaving the company:

What could be going on at Valve? Well, it’s been said that this could be a result of the company’s decision to focus on other work, as opposed to a number of employees failing to meet Valve’s standards or causing trouble. Let’s hope it’s the former in this particular case. However, it’s crucial to consider the ramifications of unwarranted job loss and ensure fair treatment for all employees involved.

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