Vigil Games Co-founder Departs Studio

According to a report by Gamespot, Vigil Games cofounder and creative director Joe Madureira announced via his Facebook page that he is leaving the Austin, Texas-based developer after seven years.

“I’m afraid the time has come for me to move on to new adventures,” he said in a status update. “I could not be more proud of what we achieved, or the awesome people who helped build up this studio. I can safely say Vigil’s future is in very good hands, so expect only awesomeness down the road. This feels surreal…I miss the place already.”

Madureira did not go into specifics as to what he will be doing next, except that he will be focusing on “banging out a bunch of comics,” but provided no further details.

Madureira founded Vigil Games in 2005 with David Adams, Marvin Donald, and Ryan Stefanelli. Vigil Games was acquired by THQ in 2006 for an undisclosed sum. Prior to creating Vigil Games, Madureira spent 20 years at comic book company Marvel, where he worked on the Deadpool, Uncanny X-Men, Ultimates, and Avenging Spider-Man franchises.

(Via GameSpot)

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