Ever Wanted To Impale A Zombie? “The Undead” Series Update

So have you? Ever wanted to impale a zombie that is?

Well we did, so we created what we are calling the “Zombie Impaler” prop, to use in our upcoming short film series “The Undead”. Take a look at the video below to see how we made it.

Alright so now that you have seen how we made it, check out the test photo we shot using the “Zombie Impaler”.

Pretty sweet huh? Nice and bloody.

Ok, so now moving on. We are still running our kickstart campaign, which you can find here. We have about 20% of our goal pledged so far. We would love to see this campaign explode so we can bring an amazing film together for you guys. Because thats what we want to do, make this your film. We included an insane amount of stuff you can get as rewards just by pledging. So it’s not like your giving money away, your getting pretty much the same back in rewards. Plus, right now the first four people to give 50 dollars and select the special reward get to have their voice in the finished film. In one scene in the movie our main character is listening to his answering machine, you could be one of those messages. Just pledge $50 and when we start production you will be sent a script and phone number to call and record your lines. Simple as that.

I guess that’s all we have for right now, remember to keep checking back for more updates. Check out the official film website here.

Also follow us on twitter and facebook.

Please tell your family, friends, and anyone you meet on the street to help us spread the virus.

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