Watch Dogs’ Disrupt Engine Delivers Core Experience on All Platforms

Watch Dogs

The world of Watch Dogs will not only open the city of Chicago wide open and make it a festive hacking party for protagonist Aiden Pierce, but it will be a true and open world free roaming adventure.  Ubisoft utilized a new engine called the Disrupt Engine which gave its studios free reign to develop the title in such a way that everyone will get a taste of the intense experience the game will deliver on all platforms.  Senior Producer, Dominic Guay, said the motto in Watch Dogs is, “Everything is connected, connection is power,” and the hope is to bring that to reality when the game releases on handhelds and tablets and will be able to interact with what is going on in the console version.  Guay said that the Watch Dogs‘ Disrupt engine will allow players to connect in completely new ways that they have not experimented before.

In most games players must choose certain paths, solve a puzzle, or kill a certain boss to progress further into a game, but with the Disrupt engine in place, players will have the choice to use their own plan from a ton of different choices available to them.  As a result, the game would then need to respond appropriately to further the experience.  Guay said,

“This required us to increase the interactivity of our game engine affecting all areas: physics, graphics, animation, AI.”

With the notion of having everything connected, Guay said an online support area was built into every part of the Disrupt engine.

Watch Dogs arrives for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC on November 21 and will be a PS4 launch title.  Ubisoft said the game will be coming to mobile and tablets as well soon.

{Source: Edge}

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