We Happy Few Denied Classification In Australia

(We Happy Few, Compulsion Games)

Ever since We Happy Few was released on Steam Early Access in 2016, fans have been eagerly anticipating its full release. Now, the Bioshock inspired game is expected to be released later this year. However, it’s road to release might be a little rockier. Well, at least it will be for Australia.

Games 1 (a)

The game was refused classification in the country under the Games 1 (a) clause. The Classification Board said:

Reason: Games 1(a)The computer game is classified RC in accordance with the National Classification Code, Computer Games Table, 1. (a) as computer games that ‘depict, express or otherwise deal with matters of sex, drug misuse or addiction, crime, cruelty, violence or revolting or abhorrent phenomena in such a way that they offend against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults to the extent that they should not be classified.‘”

Steam Early Access

The game was released on Steam Early Access in 2016. A full release was expected in 2017; however, the date was pushed back to this year for further work. The game is set in an alternate-history version of 1960s England in the fictional town of Wellington Wells. Players take on the role of characters who refuse to take their mind-altering happy pills and must find a way to escape from the town without being caught by its citizens.

Neither the developers or publishers have responded to the denial. We Happy Few is going to be released for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. We’ll update you when we hear more from developers Compulsion Games or publishers Gearbox Software. Right now, it is unclear exactly when We Happy Few will be released. However, it shouldn’t be long more. That being said, players can play its Early Access version on Steam and Xbox One. PlayStation 4 players will have to wait until its full release.

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