Whatcha’ Playin’ Humpday Haiku – January 20, 2016

It’s cold outside and spring is a long way off. What games will you be hibernating with to make it through the next few months? Did you finish everything Santa brought you? Did you spend all your Xmas gift cards? We want to know what you’re playing, in haiku form!

Here’s what we’ve been playing.

Get headshots, grab droids
Gotta reach level 40.
Scout Trooper is BOSS!
Corey Atwood – Star Wars Battlefront


Well, yeah, I can quest,
But I’m really good at this.
I’ll keep playing Gwent.
Meg Humphries – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Got a Red key card
Packing a super shotgun
Be ready for Doom
Patrick Kennedy – Doom


  There’s a story here,
hidden somewhere in the dark
of this empty house.
Logan Schultz – Gone Home


3D hurts my eyes
Best Zelda Game Ever Made
Majora’s Mask right?
Jerry Dobracki – The Legends of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D

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