Whatcha’ Playin’ Humpday Haikus – April 05, 2017

Snake Pass, Sumo Digital

It’s raining, it’s pouring and the outside world is boring! Spring has sprung, but that doesn’t always mean sunshine and warm weather. Those April showers not only bring May flowers, but they also provide a perfect excuse to stay inside and play games, guilt free! So how have you been spending your time indoors? Have you been pathfinding in Mass Effect: Andromeda, solving shrine puzzles in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or has another game been hogging your valuable time? Let us know, in haiku form!

Here’s what we’ve been playing:

Snake Pass, Sumo Digital
Snake Pass, Sumo Digital

Almost to the top
Just a few more feet, but then
plummet to the ground
Corey Atwood – Snake Pass


D-pad Studio
D-pad Studio

It’s time to take flight
In this amazing new world
One Owl Boy’s fight
Chris Newton – Owl Boy


Candy Crush Saga, King

You’re my candy drug.
No matter how much I leave,
I always come back.
Meg Humphries – Candy Crush


Blackwood Crossing, Vision Games Publishing

Exploring unknown
Little brother and others
Who’s under that mask?
Josh Nichols – Blackwood Crossing


Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl, Atlus

The grove holds secrets
houses shaking, lives at stake
I must find out why
Eleni DiCarlo – Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl


Persona 5, Atlus

Money I Require
To Buy my Heart’s Desire
Persona 5 Please
Alexx Aplin – Persona 5

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