Whatcha’ Playin’ Humpday Haikus – January 11, 2017

Overwatch - Blizzard Entertainment

It’s a new year and this one has got to be better than the last one, right? So what games are you starting off the year with? January is typically pretty barren as far as new releases go, so it’s an excellent time to catch up on that growing list of games you’ve been meaning to get around to. Did you pick up anything tasty in the recent Steam sale? Do any of this month’s Games with Gold on Xbox Live wet your appetite? Perhaps you find Sony’s January PS Plus games delectable? Either way, what have you been eating, er, playing? (Man, I’m hungry.) Let us know, in haiku form!

Here’s what we’ve been playing:

Final Fantasy XV, Square Enix

New Cid is sexy
Wish my hair could be like Nocts’
No turned-based bullshit
Jerry Dobracki – Final Fantasy XV


Rise of the Tomb Raider, Square Enix

Biscuits and Lara,
What do they have in common?
The both need to rise.
Corey Atwood – Rise of the Tomb Raider


Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment

Join the Overwatch
Rabbit Hole of Epic Scale
Almost at Prestige
Alexx Aplin – Overwatch


Stardew Valley, Chucklefish Games

I can’t stop farming
and thinking about farming
farm farm farm farm farm
Logan Schultz – Stardew Valley


The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, Nintendo

Seasons often change
my power alters nature
time relies on me
Eleni DiCarlo – The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Season


Call of Duty, Activision

Save world from evil
Fight the war on all the sides
Freedom back for all
Josh Nichols – Call of Duty


Overwatch – Blizzard Entertainment

I’m diving back in
Mercy, D-Va, and Soldier
I’m trying to win
Chris Penwell – Overwatch

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