Whatcha’ Playin’ Humpday Haikus – May 17, 2017

Happy (late) Mother’s Day, gamers! Did you treat your momma right this past Sunday? You better have, because without her, you wouldn’t be gaming at all! She’s your original spawn point, so treat her right. Is your mother a gamer? Did you guys play any games this past weekend? If so, let us know, in haiku form, or course!

Here’s what we’ve been playing:

Prey, Bethesda Softworks

High tech space station
Baseball gloves, banana peels
Trash collecting sim
Corey Atwood – Prey


Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Nintendo

It’s Fire Emblem
A New Shift In The Franchise
I Can’t Stop Playing
Alexx Aplin – Fire Emlblem Echoes: Shadow of Valentia


Rabbit Story, Viacheslav Bushuev

Looking for Kitty
forest wolves are emerging
Finding Lost Carrots
Eleni DiCarlo – Rabbit Story


Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix

Memories return
With Sora, Donald, Goofy
Where’s Kingdom Hearts 3?
Chris Penwell – Kingdom Hearts

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