Where’s My Sequel? Bullet Witch

Where's My Sequel Bullet Witch

(Bullet Witch - Marvelous Inc)

Originally released on the Xbox 360 in 2007, Bullet Witch developed a cult following, with its popularity being credited to its (at the time) unique battle system and fresh take on the end-of-the-world dynamic.

Amnesiac Bullet Witch

Players take control of Alicia, the titular Bullet Witch and an amnesiac with no memories of her past. However, the few things she does remember lead her to take on a mission to rid the world of a host of demons that are taking over the world. What follows is more than your average shooter, with the game’s battle system providing some entertaining, if occasionally irritating, sequences.

Key Features

The game boasted a number of features upon release, including:

The PC release of Bullet Witch includes all the original game’s costumes and bonus missions for free. Beat the game once to unlock the latter; the costumes are available from the start.

The game ends with Alicia liberating just one city from demon control. Because of that, a sequel would have plenty of room to expand Alicia’s story. It could even take it in another direction with a new protagonist. And a possible sequel isn’t unlikely; a Windows version of the game recently made its way onto Steam, giving Bullet Witch fans hope that a sequel might be on its way.

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