Why Do We Keep Going Back To Replay Pokémon?

Why is it that Pokémon has us coming back time and time again? I can’t speak for everyone, but after painstaking research involving over three months of my life, in game time of course, I believe I have the answer.

Appeals to the inner child

Who doesn’t want a pet dragon that breathes fire and shoots lasers? I’ll tell you who, narks. And no one likes a nark. Pokémon range in size, shape, power, and ability, abilities to creep you out just by mentioning their name (I’m looking at you, Jinx). No matter what kind of destructive monstrosity or cute fluffy ball of regret you’re into, Pokémon has you covered, and you’re inner (or outer) child is going to appreciate it.

Gotta catch ‘em all

If you’re a completionist there isn’t anything more satisfying than completing the Pokédex. I mean, who doesn’t want an old guy named after a tree to give them a virtual certificate? Again, the answer, narks.

Versatility and strategy

Pokémon has a deep and intricate combat system that is continuously re-shuffled every generation with new types, moves, and Pokémon. The best part about it is you can completely ignore it. Do you want to make a team entirely out of cute pink balls? Be my guest. Do you want to make a team entirely out of Pokémon that look like dogs? Go right ahead. But for the min-max players out there, there is a great deal of content to be gained through the deep inner workings of Pokémon. Whether you are engrossed in EV training, breeding for the perfect nature or IVs, or grinding for the perfect move set, hundreds of hours can be used to produce the world’s perfect Magikarp.

Pokemon Animé, The Pokémon Company International

There’s too many of them!

Now hear me out, this sounds like a bad thing, but really it isn’t. I make a habit of never using a Pokémon in my team that I’ve used before. I have played every generation of Pokémon multiple times, and I’m still not out of pocket monsters to add to my arsenal. This method led to my favorite team of all time in Pokémon White 2, when I added a Wheezing to pad out my defenses and he became a useful wall I’d never have considered otherwise.


Different ways to play

You can have a casual romp through one of the newer (arguably too easy) campaigns, or you can spice things up a bit. Since the invention of the Nuzlocke challenge, the community has a seemingly endless supply of ways to liven up the campaign I’ve played again and again. From randomizers, one type only, and the classic Pokémon hard mode, it’s hard not to find a new-found enjoyment for something I once thought was stale. When the campaign is all said and done, there’s the wonderful world of competitive battling and all that comes with it. Once you’re bored of that, why not try shiny hunting? It’s amazing how many facets of Pokémon there are and the different communities that have formed around each.

Pokémon Emerald, GameFreak    

So there you have it, at least from this nerd’s perspective. What has you coming back for more? Did I miss something? What’s your favorite moment from Pokémon? Let us know in the comments or Tweet us @Bagogames with #Bagogamespokemon.

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