Why free to play games are increasing in popularity

Fad or wave of the future?

why free to play are increasing in popularity

Gaming is a great way to pass the time, deal with boredom, and meet new friends. Another popular and free way to meet new people is through Free Cam Chat. While some of the popular games may come at a cost, recent trends have seen an increase in the popularity of free to play games. Some of the popular titles attracting huge fan bases include Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dauntless, Warframe, Pokemon Go, Destiny 2, DOTA 2, and League of Legends, among others. The concept of free to play games means that you incur no upfront costs, but have the option to make in-game purchases or block ads to enhance how you experience the game. This is in contrast to traditional gaming where you make an upfront investment when purchasing a game, then enjoy it without any further significant investments.

Free to play games are becoming more and more popular…

How free to play games generate revenue?

Making a popular game is never an easy undertaking. It will obviously involve substantial investment and expertise to make a game. Some games earn money exclusively by showing ads, while on the other hand, some of the popular free to play games are usually under the freemium category. This means that players can download or play the games for free, but have the option to enhance their gaming experience and make it more enjoyable. For example, the player may pay for rewards, extra features, props, and skins, among others.

Are they worth it?

Whether a game is free or being paid for, its popularity will definitely depend on what it offers. Not everyone can afford to pay for games, so many may opt for free to play games. On the other hand, free to play games seem to be generating a lot of revenue through the various earning models. This has meant that developers are continuously increasing the quality of their games to attract large audiences. Fun and rewarding games mean a larger fan base, which translates into the likelihood of more players making in-game purchases. By adopting the model of games as a service, developers have not only removed the upfront barrier for people to try games, but it has also ensured users can air their concerns, and developers could work towards them.

The future of free to play games

The emergence of streaming platforms such as Twitch has also been a catalyst for the increase in popularity of free to play games. Such platforms have offered an avenue for streamers to create content that allows them to interact with their audience from anywhere in the world. Potential gamers may visit these streaming sites and witness how it is being played and decide if they want to play it. This has even resulted in the growth of the esports industry where teams are pitted against each other in games such as DOTA, League of Legends, and Counter-strike among others. It is even now possible to bet on your favorite teams at some of the recommended sites here.

What do you think about the emerging popularity of free to play games? Is it a good trend or a bad sign of things to come? Let us know in the comment section below. 

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