Wii U expects your household to consist of 12…

During yesterday’s Nintendo Direct broadcast, hosted by Satoru Iwata, information regarding how many user accounts can be stored on a single Wii U system were revealed, as well as the Nintendo Network ID.

Focusing on the later first, the Nintendo Network ID is replacing the famous “friend-code” which we can only assume falls more into place with a username such as what is used on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. When you first connect your Wii U to the internet you’ll be expected to input information such as name, age and gender in order to create your account and access online features such as the eShop.

In regards to the amount of user accounts a single console can store however is puzzling. Nintendo seem to feel that up to twelve people will be using your system at different times. Each account is represented by an individual Mii character and has access to its own saves, downloads and games. They can also create their own Nintendo Network ID which allows the other eleven users on the console to access their downloadable content. So if Timmy buys a game from the eShop, Mum, Dad and even Grandpa can access the content, regardless of what account they are on as they are playing on the same console.

Nintendo later announced that the Nintendo Network ID will be rolled out to the 3DS and other systems such as smartphones and that big old’ internet. Have Nintendo finally got up to date!?

[Source: Nintendo Life]

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