Wii Mini To Be Released In Europe?

After all of the excitement about Nintendo’s next-generation console many can be forgiven if the news of the Wii Mini releasing in Canada slipped you by.

The console itself isn’t that much smaller than the current Wii console although it does look much sleeker in this writers opinion. Don’t get too excited, however, as the console itself lacks any kind of features which every man and his dog would expect a console to have in this modern age. There is no online connectivity, SD card or support component cables meaning that the console can effectively play Wii games and nothing else. It sounds like your lucky to have multiplayer included to be honest.

Rumor has it that the Wii Mini console (which was exclusive to Canada late 2012) is going to be jumping to pond and coming to Europe however as Nintendo.co.uk have a “Wii mini” button when the Wii menu is highlighted on their official website.

Whilst the page only links you to an error page at the moment it seems strange that the company would implement it for no valid reason.

Do you think the Wii Mini is Europe-bound any time soon?

[Source: Twitter & Nintendo via Nintendo Life]

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