XCOM: Enemy Unknown Gets Release Date, PC Special Edition

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (the real-time strategy one) will be released in North America on October 9 and internationally on October 12 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the PC. According to a report by G4, the XCOM shooter has been delayed until the fiscal year 2014, meaning between April 1, 2013 and March 31, 2014.

There will also be a $59 special edition will be available exclusively for the PC. The special edition will include a variety of unique XCOM items, including; an art book, fold-out poster of the XCOM headquarters, XCOM insignia patch, and a collection of digital bonuses like a desktop wallpaper and soundtrack and more.

Pre-ordering XCOM: Enemy Unknown from participating retailers will net you the “Elite Soldier Pack,” a launch bonus which includes the “top-of-the-line soldier customization features, including:

Firaxis president Steve Martin said, “It’s been a dream of ours to recreate X-COM with our unique creative vision. We’re huge fans of the original game and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to re-envision a game that is as beloved as X-COM.”

Sara Anderson, 2K marketing Vice President said, “As we re-imagine XCOM, one of our goals is to evolve the experience while recognizing what made X-COM one of the greatest PC games to date. It’s important to create an experience that is appealing to both existing fans and newcomers to the world of XCOM, which is what we’re doing with XCOM: Enemy Unknown.”

(Via CVG)

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