Xenosaga May Potentionally Be Re-Released

Here is a bit of exciting news for RPG enthusiasts. On one of the PlayStation Blogs, a user asked if there was a possibility of the Xenosaga trilogy being released as part of the PS2 Classics. Morgan Haro, Community Manager of Digital Platforms, had this to say, “Make your voice heard on the Namco Bandai forums to have the best possible chance to see this through”.

While not a definitive yes to the question, it does provide hope to Xenosaga fans, especially European fans who only got Xenosaga II. Here is a link to the Namco Bandai forum in question.

While an HD Collection of the trilogy would be nice, a release as PS2 Classics will give gamers a chance to re-live the series, or to experience it for the first time. We will keep you posted on any updates on the matter.

Source: US PlayStation Blog

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