Yakuza 5 Comes Westward for PS3 Next Year

You may have already heard of quite a few reveals to come out of Sony’s Playstation convention in Las Vegas this week for Playstation 4 and Vita, but SEGA’s intent on releasing another unexpected goodie for devoted Playstation 3 owners. Yes, if you held onto your PS3 this long for a Yakuza 5 international release, the wait is over.

No specifics were given by either Sony or SEGA, but the game’s set to drop sometime next year in 2015 as its announcement trailer below informs with its bare-knuckled fury. Its predecessors – Yakuza 4 and Yakuza: Dead Souls – are getting digital releases this week on PS3, so play up if you wanna get your gangster dream on early.

Yakuza 5 - Announcement Trailer | PS3


Via Playstation on YouTube

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