Kojima Not Holding The Reins On Zone of Enders Sequel

Over the past weekend Kojima announced he will be the producer of the long awaited Zone Of Enders sequel. Several tweets sent out by Kojima this weekend mentions how he is to involved on his current project, codenamed: Project Ogre. A title he says will be an open world gaming experience that will keep players engaged for well over a 100 hours of gameplay.

Kojima’s Twitter comment’s translates: “Since I am currently in beta on Project Ogre, I became the producer for the Ender’s Project,”

He also goes onto tweet: “As a producer, it’s necessary to think about whether it’ll sell or won’t sell. You can’t budget without assuming market conditions and how many will sell,”

More tweets follow: “The most important part is whether or not I can actually make what I intend. Is it better to make the next one anime style and satisfy the otaku part of my soul? Or satisfy the sci-fi part of my soul and make it photo realistic?

And Finally: “The creators of Gundam, Akira, and Evangelion were heavily influenced by various works from in and outside the country. Japanese creators who have an otaku and sci-fi soul use this combination technique to create and put out anime like that.”

The Zone Of Enders Series first launched on Sony’s Playstation 2 platform. It has not yet been revealed if this game will be a multi-platform release. There is a strong fan following eagerly awaiting another chance to dive back into the hit sci-fi series. So far it’s looking like they are going to have there chance with this one.

To keep up to date on this topic keep checking back and use that comment section we got down there get the buzz going.

(VIA CVG and Eurogamer)


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