3 Low Priced Horror Games

Episode 1

Don’t have the money to spend on the next big horror game? But still, you want a new horror experience that will chill you to the core? Well, don’t worry! I got your back! I scavenged through the bottom of the barrel for 3 Low Priced Horror Games that are extremely affordable.

In this new series, 3 Low Priced *blank* games, I will find three low priced games that fit a certain theme. The themes can range from 2D/3D platformers, FPS shooters, open worlds, etc. Generally, the games I will be covering will be 10 dollars or less. Rarely I will go above that, but that’s only if the game shows a huge amount of potential.

After I play three games that fit in the same category, I will do a little mini-review and rank it from worst to best. I won’t be going into great detail about the games. Just a quick summarization if the game is worth purchasing or not.

Quick Summary 

3. Injection Pie 23: No Name, No Number

A hilariously bad horror game that can be enjoyed with the right mindset. Injection Pie 23’s gameplay completely functions, but the story, visuals, and enemies are surreal and baffling. Those elements aren’t very good, but again, if you put yourself in the right mindset, then this game could be a blast. If you don’t enjoy games that are so bad that they come around being good, then I would recommend skipping this game.

Platforms: PS4 & Microsoft Windows

2. Fractured Minds

A very short and simple psychological horror game. It doesn’t offer much gameplay and can be completed less than 20 minutes. The game tackles depression and other mental issues, but the imagery isn’t strong enough to have a lasting impact. If you have a kid and want to give them an idea about depression, then have them play this. Plus, it’s very cheap.

Price: $1.49

Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, & Macintosh operating systems

1. Worse Than Death

Worse Than Death is a 2D indie pixel horror game that offers a fun mystery, gorgeous pixel art, and enjoyable puzzles. Sadly the horror in this horror game doesn’t last long, so it becomes more of a creepy dark thriller than horror.

Platforms:  Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Steam, & macOS

Price: $9.99

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