5 Habits to Improve Your Skills in any Fighting Game

Gaming is super fun entertainment, and we have the freedom to enjoy our virtual adventures in any way imaginable. Someone prefers a chaotic attitude with many games started at the same time and rarely completed. Someone is very pragmatic and has a clear plan on what they are playing and when (and even why). For most gamers, being somewhere in the middle of these opposites is the best experience – having fun and still following some kind of a plan in your gaming life. 

No one can explain to you how to have fun in gaming. It’s only up to you to decide. But if you want to make progress in a specific genre, you might need to change your attitude and add some structure to the playing process. What about fighting games? They are really difficult to master, but the following habits will help you get better at them, celebrate many victories, and probably even start an esports career. Find the gaming headset under 100 you’ve been looking for on this site.

Playing Habits for any Fighting Game

There are lots of great games in this genre. And the described habits are suitable for any of them. The most popular titles are: 

So, what habits should you develop to improve your skills in such games? 

Habit 1 – Be Persistent with your Playing Practice

This is the main habit to develop if you want to be successful in literally anything, including fighting games. When people try out their first match and get their first victory, they often become very enthusiastic, eager to spend hours and hours playing, training moves, and completing various challenges. But this sparkle may disappear – you play five hours one day and then don’t play a week, play three hours four days in a row and then skip two weeks. 

Persistence is necessary to develop muscle memory in fighting games and let the brain be concentrated on your performance, find new ideas, and create your unique playstyle. It’s better to play one and a half hours daily than three hours but irregularly.  

Don’t follow any specific patterns here – carve your own path. It’s your journey, but be persistent if you want to reach the end destination. 

Habit 2 – Learn Everything in the Game

Fighting games are huge. Each character has an impressive range of offensive and defensive techniques, and you should learn how to use them in different situations. But the variety of experiences is not limited to the abilities of one character only, even if they are your favorite. Good fighting players know very well what other characters are capable of and feel the best way of dealing with them in a fight. And also, good players know many modes of their game to understand various match conditions and feel confident in any situation. 

Most fighting games do not give a pre-made learning course, so you should be proactive. It is quite tempting to play one fighter all the time and enjoy one mode only. But it would be better to have a habit of learning new things in a familiar game, always look for something fresh, and continuously expand the range of your skills. 

Habit 3 – Absorb the Experience of Other Players

The world of fighting games is based on friendly competition. And the word “friendly” is crucial here – to understand the atmosphere inside the community and develop your next helpful habit. Consider opponents as an example of different playing styles and unusual tricks. Don’t think about them as your foes, and this attitude will help you to grow as a player. 

Your every match is an opportunity to get better at this game. Just try to think over the actions of other players. No need to analyze deeply – absorb the whole experience and let your gaming being convert it into your own skills. 

The same is true for watching esports tournaments. You need an attitude of an attentive observer to not only cheer for someone but also to feel the techniques of all the professional players and make a brick for the construction of your success out of them. 

This habit can lead you to a professional fighting esports career. And even then, you shouldn’t abandon it. The longer you keep this attitude, the longer you remain open for further self-development and self-improvement. 

Habit 4 – Be Brave to Experiment

All that stuff about learning from others and absorbing their experience shouldn’t stop you from looking for your perfectly unique style. You can coin some excellent attacks, defensive moves, and game strategies – but you have to look for ideas inside yourself, no one can teach them. And while you’re honing your skills, don’t forget to invest in gun safe dehumidifiers to protect your firearms from moisture damage and rust.

This is a long-term habit again. You can’t expect inventing something right away – this may happen and may not happen. But you can experiment in training, offline matches, and multiplayer fights. Being innovative means bringing new tricks to see whether they work or not. This is a habit of great players. 

Habit 5 – Enjoy Stuff Beyond Fighting

Gaming is not everything in life. And fighting games should take their part in your day-to-day activities without ruining everything else. Take care of keeping healthy – eat fruits, do exercises, walk outdoors. What about your regular money income and education? Haven’t you forgotten your family and friends? 

If life beyond gaming doesn’t seem significant for your success in virtual fights, this is a dangerous illusion. You become the most successful version of yourself when you are a wholesome person. Develop this habit of getting the most from life, so you can succeed not only in the fighting games. 

Each fighting game is a unique universe with its specific rules. It is hard to take tips from one game and use them for another. But habits in this article are totally different – they are universal (maybe even beyond fighting games). And they are really helpful. Think about them properly and try to feel how they would make you a better player in the long term. 


By Eugene Bozhenko 

A gamer, a writer. Create articles for DashFight and other gaming media. For me, gaming consists of many layers – social, business, cultural… But the personal experience of playing them is the most significant. Those emotions we have from stories, victories, and communications are priceless, they help us to understand life better. And have I mentioned how fun the games are? Yeah, the gaming fun is dope =) 

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