Anthem Will Get ‘Satisfying’ Loot In Anthem 2.0

BioWare plans to make Anthem's loot more satisfying

Anthem Screenshot 4

Anthem, despite being a pretty fun game in its own right, had a problematic history when it launched in 2019. The game lacked a lot of polish, had a nonsensical story that didn’t really add up to anything, and had arguably the most lack of end-game content in recent history. It was a game that also disappointed BioWare fans with its lack of meaningful choices.

So BioWare decided to begin work on completely remaking the game from the ground up. This new version, which has become referred to as Anthem 2.0, has been in the works for a while but BioWare has already stated its development time will be rather lengthy.

Meaningful Loot

Given how disappointing loot in Anthem was originally, it wouldn’t be difficult to improve on the system. And that seems to be what BioWare is addressing with the upcoming update.

A priority is making each piece of loot better and making them more viable to equip for players. And rather than making all loot random, BioWare plans to add loot tables, quests with specific rewards, and specialized vendors who sell rare items. This should all make finding specific gear easier and finding the perfect item more fun.

The Inscriptions, which are augmentations that add random traits to items and possibly making them outstanding, will also be more balanced. As an example, an Inscription could add +225% damage to a weapon, making that particular Inscription very desirable.

BioWare also wants to make gearing up easier for players, to cut down on the grinding required to gain power levels. The power cap can also be easily increased, and they want to collect data about trends and make meaningful balance changes.

More Information To Come

It seems this is all BioWare has to offer for now. Though it will be exciting to see what else BioWare has planned for Anthem’s update. The only question will be if anyone will still want to play the game with the broken story it offers. What would you like to see improved in Anthem 2.0? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Polygon

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