Charnel House Trilogy Sale

This escalated quickly…

If you are in the mood for a mystery game but waiting for a deal, Steam has you covered. The Charnel House Trilogy, for Windows only, is on sale this week and the bundle includes all three games.

Steam explains the story:

“A train’s whistle sounds in the dead of night. Snow falls on deserted tracks. Somewhere, in the city, a woman prepares to leave on a journey that will change her life. Somewhere, in the country, a man drives to his final destination.

Witness The Charnel House Trilogy, the chronicle of one fateful night aboard a train bound for Augur Peak. Three thrilling, horrifying adventure games in one, from the depths of the Sepulchre, starring Madeleine Roux, Peter Willington, Jonathan Grier, Jim Sterling, and Ben Chandler as Grub. With art by Ivan Ulyanov and Ben Chandler, and music by Jack de Quidt, nervous_testpilot and Bryan Henderson”.

If you are ready to jumpy into a creepy tale than why not take advantage of the Steam Sale? Right now, The Charnel House Trilogy is 20 % off (sale price = $4.79) for a short time. If you are interested in Owl Cave’s Richard & Alice game, there is a bundle which includes The Charnel House Trilogy and Richard & Alice for $6.39. Happy Gaming… if you dare!


Uh oh!
So much for the perfect time for gaming.


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