Circuit Breakers Coming to Steam Next Month

Circuit Breakers is coming to Steam on 17th November 2015 for PC and Mac, publisher Excalibur have announced.

Developed by Texan indie studio, Triverske, the 1980s-inspired retro top down action shooter features “a massive array of interesting weapons and a horde of killer robots,” where players will “battle for control of a manufacturing plant while racking up combos and upgrades.”

There are four playable characters in the game: Aldo, Shelby, Samson, and Tay. Each will have their own weapons and unique styles of play.

Circuit Breakers offers local and Steam multiplayer modes and a bunch of levels, each different from one another, and a “switchable core mechanic.”

The game retails for $9.99, £6.99 and €9.99, respectfully.

Source: Excalibur Press Release

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