E-Win Racing Ergonomic Computer Gaming Chair Review

The Best Chair Under $200 for 2021

E-Win Racing ergonomic computer gaming chair

Hardware reviews are not usually my thing. I mean, I didn’t think I would’ve been reviewing a gaming chair. But, here I am. E-Win has kindly provided us with a review unit of their ergonomic racing chairs. Now, some people might remember that I wrote an article a couple of years ago about how I didn’t really think Gaming Chairs were good. (It’s probably lost to the ether now, but someone might bring it up!)

The research I conducted at the time said that racing chairs (as they’re known) have extremely adverse effects on someone’s posture. They look hella’ cool but they aren’t meant to be used as an everyday seating thing. However, that very claim can be easily countered by mentioning that the alternative (Office chairs) can be way less convenient even though the price is lower.

Seems like E-Win might have stumbled upon that very same article because they’ve been taking that and other pieces of feedback from its influencers and customers. Why? Because this chair actually addresses many of the concerns I had. Not only that, they also made sure that the chair is comfortable for those extensive gaming sessions.

I won’t beat around the bush here. This chair is great and it managed to give me a new perspective on gaming chairs. So, if you want to go away with that, then that’s that. However, for those looking for the deets of my thoughts, this is my review of the E-Win Computer Gaming Chair.

Easy to Build, Hard to Get Off From

I have to start by saying that building the chair out of the box is easier than I would’ve expected. I spent around 1 hour getting the chair together and it majorly felt like putting a puzzle box together. Granted, there were still some bits where I had to tighten and loosen a few screws. However, the manufacturers included tools so I didn’t have to whip out my toolbox.

The chair itself is made of PVC leather with stain resistant characteristics. In addition, the chair can support up to 400lbs of weight. That is very important considering most chairs that exist at the $200- price point tend to break easily under a lot of weight.

I also have to say that I am a fan of the adjustable backrest. You can tilt the chair a full 155º so you can pretty much use it as a makeshift bed. No joke, I even fell asleep on the chair after I was finished building it. It was that comfortable.

I guess it helps that E-Win also tailored the chair to my needs and specifications. This is something I see as a positive, mind you. As they can make a chair that is fit for your needs. Why? Because they manufacture their own products rather than outsourcing to factories. This approach provides higher quality products while keeping them at lower prices than others. Both E-Win and their customers benefit from the lower production costs.

Highlighting the Usual

Outside of the features I mentioned, there are other aspects of this chair that you’ll find with other gaming chairs. However, E-win also added a few features that make them stand out from the crowd. For example, the arm rests can be adjusted to your liking. Whether you prefer the low position for when you have a controller or a high one for comfortable typing; The arm rests will help you find that sweet spot that fits your situation.

The chair also has a head pillow and lumbar support. However, I find the lumbar support a bit uncomfortable whenever I am playing video games. Fortunately, both the head pillow and support can easily be attached or detached from the chair. As such, you can adjust the chair to suit your needs.

Finally, the chair has PU coating casters that make it almost effortless to move around. If you’re worried about the chair tipping over. Don’t be! The chair is surprisingly sturdy and heavy. It took me a few “Self-throws” at it before the chair could even begin to tip over. As I mentioned before, I’m a pretty heavy individual. Unfortunately, the chair becomes a bit harder to move on a carpeted floor. However, since my main room is tiled, I don’t worry about not being able to move my chair around.

The Overall Experience

After using this chair for a week, I must say that I feel in heaven. In comparison to other office chairs I used, this is a definite upgrade. The folks over at E-Win paid a lot of attention to detail when it came to making this chair comfortable. Compared to other gaming chairs of the same price point that I tested? Well, I must say that this one fits me pretty well.

That is saying a lot considering that most of the other office/gaming chairs felt cramped and uncomfortable. I actually didn’t really like racing gaming chairs for this very reason. Fortunately, the E-Win chair has managed to comfortably fit me and is now my go-to sitting place for long gameplay sessions.

No joke, I actually recommend this even if you aren’t interested in gaming. This chair doubles down perfectly as an office chair because of the adjustable arm rests. The chair itself is designed to withstand multiple gaming sessions so intensive office work will be just as great for the user. All you need to do is take out the lumbar support or the head pillow whenever it’s needed.

Final Thoughts

There’s no beating around the bush about it, the E-Win gaming chair is my new favorite chair. I’d like to say that E-Win will be able to suit the needs of people who look for chairs below the $200 USD mark. However, if you’re looking for an even cheaper price. You can go straight to the Knight series page for an office gaming chair here. Then, you can use the discount code “Bagogames” to get 20% off your purchase.

Also, since I know that I have some Mexican readers in my audience. You can find the E-Win gaming chairs by using the link here. The same discount code applies here so feel free to use it and get that 20% off!

What did you think of our E-Win Knight series gaming chair review? Do you own any gaming racing chair? What do you think about gaming chairs and office chairs? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below. If you want to read more, check out our E3 2021 coverage.

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