Fallout 76 Wastelanders Launch Trailer Released

The launch trailer for the Fallout 76 Wastelanders update has been released

Fallout 76 Wastelanders

After being teased a while ago, Bethesda has finally released the launch trailer for Fallout 76 Wastelanders. The update will bring some NPC’s to the game’s world.

While most would argue this should’ve been in the game already, much like Bethesda’s Fallout 1st subscription content, at least Bethesda is finally addressing one of the biggest criticisms regarding Fallout 76. That is if you don’t count the numerous bugs and glitches still plaguing the game. Or the numerous hackers straight up stealing from other players.

Fallout 76 Wastelanders will launch on April 14th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. And notably on PC it will coincide with the game’s release on Steam. Which is interesting given the game’s initial exclusivity on Bethesda.net.

A New Beginning

As mentioned the update will bring human NPC’s to Appalachia, together with a new main quest, new companions, a reputation system, and a lot more. The companions and reputation system might help make the game more approachable for people who wanted a more typical Fallout experience.

It does almost sound like it might be similar to the reputation system from New Vegas. And it will be interesting to see if companions will handle similarly to Fallout 4. Though it is rather interesting how Bethesda was really trying to hammer home that they wanted Fallout 76 to only have human players. And now they are doing a complete 180 on that decision, most likely from the fact it ended up backfiring on them hard.

At least this brings the game a step closer to what people were hoping for. I mean, I think it’s fair to say that Fallout 76 felt extremely unfocused when it came out and almost at war with itself in terms of gameplay.

Bethesda is heavily promoting this update as somewhat of a renaissance for Fallout 76. They’re most likely hoping the update will bring in more players who originally wanted these things in the game. Though knowing their track record, it’s more likely the patch will introduce a lot more issues to deal with.

Source: Gematsu

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