How You Can Pass the Time During the COVID Quarantine

There are plenty of ways to pass time while being cooped up at home. We all have our favorite techniques for filling in those dead periods when we’d normally be out and about, going to a favorite restaurant, playing sports, or doing any number of social activities. But during quarantine, your choices are severely limited. But there’s a silver lining to the pandemic cloud for those trapped in living rooms with nothing to do. Here are five fun things to keep your mind occupied during these challenging times.

Reclaim Your Passion for Board Games

During the national quarantine, the term board games was searched more often than it has ever been, according to a recent study from Betway. Google has kept records of search frequency so that’s saying something. But these kinds of pastimes had already been enjoying a comeback, even before the pandemic. Whatever the reason for the trend, it’s a welcome development for people who love to have fun at home. The great thing about board games is that there are so many of them, and those you remember such as Monopoly, Scrabble, and Game of Life are just as popular. So, if you are bored, turn to the board and have some group fun.

The above is data collected from Google Trends in a study by Betway…

Quickie Karaoke Lessons

Head to your computer to take some sing-along lessons, now called karaoke instruction sessions. If you’ve been one who is too shy to pick up a microphone at the local watering hole and sing a tune, try these easy online mini-tutorials that will help you learn to sing in tune. You don’t need any experience, and you can do the sessions all by yourself any time of the day or night. Then, when the quarantine is over, you might just become the next neighborhood singing sensation.

Binge Watching the Classics

The wonders of the modern computer age have given us a new term and a new activity, which is binge watching TV shows. Pick our poison and decide which of the old classics you prefer, such as the Office, Seinfeld, Friends, or Cheers. The older ones are easiest to find because many of their copyrights have run out. Once you decide on your favorite sitcom, drama, soap, or reality show, line them up in your video queue and watch several at a time.

Learning a new language even if it’s just phrases can be very useful…

10-Minute Foreign Language Lessons

Want to learn a few words and phrases of Spanish, French, Chinese, or Russian? The Internet is the place to be. There are literally thousands of websites that cater to language learning. Most offer free, short lessons that can teach you common phrases, vocabulary, and basic grammar. An efficient way to begin is to spend just 10 or 15 minutes per day on your target language. You’ll be surprised at how much you can learn in a few weeks’ time.

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