Nintendo Donates 9,500 Face Masks To Help Emergency Services

Even developers want to actively support the COVID-19 concerns

The coronavirus pandemic is causing a rapid shortage of face masks and other equipment needed to treat the virus. To the surprise of medical officials, Nintendo happened to have over 9,500 additional face masks, like the n95 mask, in a packaging and distribution center in North Bend.

The company, in an effort to support the coronavirus cause, donated every available mask to the area’s local emergency services. The masks were delivered through Jerry Dawson, a representative of the company.

North Bend’s Statement

North Bend’s government, after the donation, released a statement regarding the sudden donation. In an excerpt from their message, they said, “Danson stated the masks were originally purchased for emergency preparedness planning; however, amidst the COVID-19 crisis they knew there were needed elsewhere. Eastside Fire & Rescue staff will distribute the masks throughout the region to address immediate needs, including the City of North Bend.”

North Bend’s government also went on to warn the community about the unprecedented scale of the coronavirus crisis. They also reassured North Bend residents that their safety and security is very important in their daily mission.

Now, Nintendo donating these face masks is quite nice. This is also especially important because the goal is to contain the virus as best as possible until a vaccine or cure is developed. And with this donation, the process looks to be a little cleaner in the process. Now, how long it takes to complete said process, is still up in the air.

What do you think of Nintendo donating face masks for the cause? Do you think it would be enough for the community that it was donated to? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

If you liked this article, be sure to read our analysis on why Sweden thinks the gaming industry is a “safe haven” here.

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