Pyke Build Guide – Support Your Way to Challenger

Pyke has a great mobility as a support champion, while his engage and disengage will clearly surprise you. Whether you want to roam or you feel like outplaying, he is one of the leading champions. However, becoming a challenger can still take a while and it requires a bit of experience. There are more builds like Ezreal Probuilds out there to support your way to challenger. Make sure you are aware of its capabilities when deciding on the best Pyke build. Apart from the mobility plus, it is worth noting that he can regenerate HP in stealth, execute through shields and scale physical damage. 

Pyke build based on Aftershock

 When it comes to Resolve, Aftershock is your best choice – lots of magic and armor strength when landing CC. For example, you can land a hook, but make sure you engage the aftershock. Otherwise, everything is wasted and you will have to wait for a diving play. Demolish is also great in this venture, as both you and your LeagueOfCounters partner will get more gold. Do not overlook Bone Plating either. Whether you go in a play or you face some harassment from others, it will give you a bit of extra protection, so damage impact will be lower. 

Last, but not least, do not overlook Unflinching – it helps you stay alive and leave the CC in no time. In Domination, Ultimate Hunter is good if you want some extra help when flanking. Practically, you will gain some extra opportunities if this is your preferred action. As for Zombie Ward, it works better with Umbral Glaive, as you get easy stacks for a better vision. Without Umbral Glaive, it will not give you so many opportunities. 

Pyke build based on Electrocute

In Domination, Electrocute is one of the most common options for a good Pyke build to become a challenger. You get an improved burst, especially during the early and middle stages of your game. There is one requirement though – you must hit the same target thrice, whether you do it with spells or automatic hits. Ultimate Hunter makes a good choice too, as it gives you more flanking opportunities. On the other hand, Relentless Hunter allows getting out of combat much faster as you gain some kills. It boosts your roaming activities as well. 

Just like in other builds where it is widely used, Zombie Ward is great for easy stacks, but it has to be paired with Umbral Glaive. To make the difference, opt for Sudden Impact. It gives you 7 Lethality, which will make the difference in the beginning of the game. Cheap Shot may work on the same principles, but you will not be as efficient. Now, when it comes to resolve, you get a little extra help with every level. There are a few things to look for. Unflinching is great if you end up with CC on yourself, so you will waste less time and get out of some problems. Bone Plating will also help, as it can reduce the damage and block some hits. 

Items that make the difference

 Certain items will make the difference as you support your way to challenger. 

Final words

 Bottom line, Pyke is an extremely mobile character that will allow lots of flexibility. You do have options and you can come, kill and disappear without the enemy to figure out what happened. However, building your way up to become a challenger can take a while and it obviously requires a bit of training and experience, so you need lots of patience too.​ 

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