Nearly A Quarter Of A PlayStation Gamers Time Is Spent Watching Videos

A recent report from Nielson, a market research specialist, has detailed exactly how much time gamers are spending on streaming services, playing games online/offline and even how much time gamers spend watching DVDs/Blue-Rays on their systems. The results are interesting to say the least.

The study (see the source link below) took into account the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii consoles and compared participants 13+ time spent on consoles in 2012 than in 2011. Obviously not every console could be compared to each other, the Wii does not read DVD discs remember, it is interesting to learn how gamers spread their time across different devices.

Interesting results show that gamers who own a PS3 console spend 24% (as compared to 15% in 2011) of their time watching video-on-demand/streaming services. As well as this, gamers who enjoy online gaming the most appear to own an Xbox 360 as 33% of gamers time is spent playing games online on the platform, compared to PS3 owners spending 18% of their time online whilst Wii owners (somehow?) spend 11% of their time playing games online.

[Source: Nielson via PlayStation Universe]

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