Sekiro gets a new update and a GOTY edition

FromSoftware and Activision recently released a slew of announcements based on their hit game Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Activision first announced that the game had reached five million global sales since its launch back in 2019.

Other Sekiro Announcements

Aside from that, Activision also announced that the game would be receiving a new update with some newly added features. First of which is the boss rush modes Reflection of Strength and Gauntlet of Strength, where players can battle previously vanquished foes yet again or test their might with a single life mode.

Also included is the remnants feature which lets players record parts of their best in-game moments and upload them to the world with brief messages attached. Similar to the message system in previous FromSoftware titles, if another player rates the message the user will receive an in-game health boost.

The last feature of the update is the addition of three new outfits for players to equip while running rooftops. Two outfits can be unlocked via the new gauntlet modes and another by beating the story. The new update is expected to release on October 29. Also announced was the Sekiro GOTY edition which shown above, includes a PS4 copy of the game with a new casing and packaging alongside a guidebook including art, strategies, combat techniques, and more. This edition will also include the upcoming update.

As of right now, it is only specified to be releasing in Japan. However, it’ll most likely be available worldwide eventually.

Have you played Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice? Do you enjoy FromSoftware titles? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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