SimplyLost Issues A Challenge to Dissidia Final Fantasy Content Creators

Calling all Opera Omnia content creators


Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia is a game where you can collect your favorite Final Fantasy characters and battle through various locations, accompanied by familiar turn-based combat and music from the main series games. It also houses content for more seasoned players, like the COMSOS, CHAOS, and LUFENIA difficulty stages, all stages that are very difficult for those not exactly readily prepared.

LUFENIA stages are what we’ll be discussing today, and, for those uninitiated, LUFENIA stages are very difficult due to having a countdown orb alongside the already even tankier boss. If you don’t fulfill that orb’s condition to extend it, the stage will kill you for it. Some characters help with these orbs, and others don’t, which brings us to a content creator known as SimplyLost. He’s issued a challenge for those of you that take on these difficult stages regularly, and you can watch it below.

How This Challenge Works

To put this simply, the challenge revolves around challenging another player to use a specific unit in your team to tackle the newest LUFENIA stage. For instance, I could challenge you, the reader, to use Garland from the first Final Fantasy in your team, and then you’d send proof of beating the stage afterward. Afterward, you’d send a challenge to someone else, and the end goal, presumably, is to use every unit in the game by the time the Challenge concludes.

You also are not allowed to use a friend unit to swap the challenge character out, as they MUST stay in the party for the entire quest duration. It’s a rather interesting spin on playing endgame content for dedicated players, and serves to be an interesting challenge, one I might actually jump in on myself.

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia is available now on iOS and Android devices.

What did you think about the challenge SimplyLost issued for Opera Omnia players? Do you want to follow the challenge? Are you participating yourself?

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