Six One Indie Showcase Returns

The Six One Indie Showcase, a bi-annual digital indie game event, returns with it’s fourth consecutive showcase on Wednesday, March 20th. The 60 minute event will feature 39 new and upcoming indie games from developers across the globe and will include world premieres exclusive looks.

Since the start of Six One Indie in 2022, the beloved event has highlighted 94 games and provided “…promotional opportunities to indie developers who may not have the means for traditional industry spotlights…”.

The event”…takes pride in professionally producing an authentic indie game showcase with zero barriers of entry nor gatekeeping for independent developers and publishers of all shapes and sizes…”, The Six One Indie Showcase airs on Wednesday, March 20th on and , to help push indie games further the event runners even encourages co-streaming the event.

“Members of media and gaming influencers are encouraged to co-stream the event live and celebrate the indie scene with their audiences and communities.” The event will kick off with a special pre-show at 8:50AM PT / 11:50AM ET, followed by the main presentation at 9AM PT/ 12PM ET.


Petey’s Play Now Pre-Show: 8:50AM PT / 11:50AM ET

Hosted by Six One Indie mascot Petey, tune in early for a special look at six recently launched indies that may have flown under the radar.


Six One Indie Showcase: 9AM PT / 12PM ET

World Premieres, Showcase Debuts, Exclusive Looks, and so much more!

Once the Showcase ends, refresh this page for exclusive interviews with the developers, gameplay impressions, and The Six One Indiecast extensive post-show podcast.

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