The advancement in technology in this century has completely transformed how everything works, and that includes gaming as well. According to many experts, technological advancement won’t come to a halt anytime soon and although there are some predictions, no one can be absolutely positive about what the future brings. And that’s why we’ll focus on the near future and the current situation.
In this post, we’ll define what is the future of gaming & gaming industry trends, so stick around to find out more about that.
Mobile Gaming Growth
Players no longer have to play games on their computers, because nowadays, gaming while on the go is accessible for pretty much anyone with a smart device like a phone or tablet. There are countless different games for everyone’s taste, including online casino games (played with real money). Even the most hardcore casino fanatics have recognized the advantages of playing online, and that’s one of the main reasons for the rapid growth of mobile casino games, especially during the pandemic. You can find countless online slots to play in your favorite app stores.
Virtual Reality Games
Virtual-Reality based technologies are nothing innovative, but they too have seen a tremendous improvement over the last decade. Naturally, the online casinos made good use of VR tech and implemented it in casino games. Players who own a VR set can now gamble in virtual reality with other human players and dealers, which is almost as good as going to the eminent brick-and-mortar casinos, but much more convenient (and cheaper!).
Improved AI
The Artificial Intelligence of today is more advanced than ever in history, and as time passes, AI is getting even more intelligent. The AI of today is being used for various purposes – from self-driving cars to games. The sky is the limit for AI, and when it comes to gaming, there have been multiple cases of AI defeating the most competent professional players! The ultimate goal of AI is to act like a human, but who knows, perhaps it will surpass those expectations and become even smarter than any human that ever lived. Hopefully, we won’t have the Terminator scenario if that happens.
Improved Graphics
You probably remember how games looked like 20 or more years ago, with pixelated graphics and a very poor level of details. The reason behind this is the insufficient computing power of that period, which prevented game developers from making high-definition graphics in games. But nowadays, that’s not the case and graphics are starting to look almost like real life!
Wearable Tech
When we think about playing games on the go, most of us imagine playing games on a smartphone. But with the development of wearables like smartwatches, they too are becoming part of gaming and can be used for that purpose in combination with other smart devices.
Most of the things we spoke about in this post were considered science-fiction only a couple of decades ago, and many geeks were dreaming about them. But now, the dream came true thanks to technological advancement and generously increased funds for gaming industries. We’re still waiting for the holograms and other sci-fi stuff, and hopefully, they are closer than we think!