Watch Dogs: Legion Recruiting Guide

Everything you need to know!

Watch Dogs: Legion Recruiting

Watch Dogs: Legion is eventually on the shelves, so now you can finally play the latest chapter of the series set in dystopian London. This is a series that has developed a lot and that for a long time has struggled to find its true identity. With Watch Dogs: Legion, Ubisoft has found an excellent mix of components, which I clearly talk about in my review. However, one particular feature is very interesting, and that is the recruiting system. In my complete Watch Dogs: Legion recruiting guide, you will discover all the secrets on how to recruit new agents, which ones are the best, how to equip them, and much more.


One of the very first tasks that are expected of you when starting the game is to recruit your first agent. Take note that this is not a simple choice if you don’t have the knowledge base to make the right decision. Firstly, you should take a deep look at the abilities of the potential agent and which one of these abilities you would like to exploit in future missions.

There are also agents from Albion (a shady private security company that is in charge of security for London) who generally hate DedSec, and there are some specific ways to get them recruited. As you become more immersed in Watch Dogs: Legion, you may also want to find agents that have unique abilities and generally more powerful than the common ones.


The most important thing to do in choosing your agents is to identify their overall skills. Initially there will be little difference between each, so they will fit pretty well with every style of play. They could provide you with better hacking techniques, quicker downloads, or even unique vehicles. It would be useful to know their profession, to know which perks they can offer you.

A doctor, for example, will provide you with healing skills, especially useful if you decide to play with the permanent death mode. Among the most useful skills is the possibility of using drones or robot spiders to infiltrate more easily and get info. Additionally, there are some fun but avoidable abilities, such as Convicted, which could randomly and permanently kill your agent.

Focus mainly on agents who can have remote access to terminals and keys. Other useful skills might involve improving camouflage or receiving unique weapons. Watch Dogs: Legion is separated into three character classes, namely Enforcer, Infiltrator, and Hacker. Below you can see the specific skills that are integrated with the specific classes.


Now that you have a goal, it is good to understand how to recruit agents. To improve the search, go to specific suburbs in the game world. Camden Town for example is rich in hackers, while in Hyde Park you will find beekeepers more easily. The City of London has crypto specialists and CEOs to help you make more money. Bagley will also let you know when he has identified qualified recruits who are usually worth pursuing.

To recruit an individual, just point and press the hack button. This way you will have access to profession and skills, and by pressing RB / R1 / E you will add them as a potential affiliate. Then head to the Missions section and scroll through the recruiting missions. Find the mission dedicated to the person you want to recruit and complete it. Typically, you will have to help a friend of theirs or save them from extortion by the Kelley Clan.

Should you manage to save someone from being arrested by Albion, you can often convince them to join without having to go on a recruiting mission. Some individuals in Watch Dogs: Legion may have a thumb down next to their name, which would mean they don’t like DedSec. If there are two, it means they hate DedSec. In these cases it is best to avoid them and move on.


Albion is the enemy in Watch Dogs: Legion, responsible for most of the first restricted areas you will encounter. Since you are pretty quick to infiltrate Albion’s operations in the storyline, you will soon have the opportunity to get one of their agents. To do this, you need the Deep Profiler, which allows you to recruit anyone, even those who hate DedSec.

Make sure you tag the guards in a restricted area and find out what you need to do to recruit them. Usually you will have to complete an activity of some kind, but once done you will be able to walk around the structures and complexes of Albion without arousing suspicion.

Additionally, agents are often better equipped, perfect if you want to tackle the game more aggressively. If you want unique agents, you need to liberate an occupied village by completing the liberation missions. Once this is done you will unlock unique recruits for each area.

These recruits are usually well equipped and with superior skills such as assassins or spies. Changing the appearance and equipment of your agent is quite simple, just go to the team menu. To change their clothes you need to go back to your shelter or any clothes shop in town. Agents can wear any piece of clothing, jewelry, shoes, or masks in your wardrobe or any store, so have fun customising them.

Was my Watch Dogs: Legion recruiting guide useful, or is something missing? Please let me know by leaving your thoughts in the comments, or read my Watch Dogs: Legion review. Need more help? Check out my Watch Dogs: Legion Tech Points guide!

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