Weekly Wrap-Up #73 – December 8th Through December 14th

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And so, another week passes us by to be fondly remember as we live out the weeks ahead. Both next-gen consoles are out and breaking records left and right and we’re one week closer to a new year full of new exciting things. Woo!

As per usual, with the exiting of the week comes another entry in the Weekly Wrap-Up. And while it was a relatively quiet week, we still have some stories that may pique your interest. And if you find that feeling dwelling within you as you scroll down, remember: just click the links hidden in the titles to get the full story.

Ready? I’m ready! Lets go!


Number 5

Nintendo Responds to Super Smash Bros. Spring 2014 Release Speculation

Yesterday, we reported that a Spring 2014 release window for Super Smash Bros. on Wii U may have been accidentally leak in a German interview. Nintendo, in a statement to IGN today, addressed the rumors and speculation that came following the possible release date reveal:

“There seems to be some buzz online today about the launch date of Super Smash Bros. We would like to clarify that the speculation about a Spring 2014 launch date for Super Smash Bros. on Wii U was the result of a misquotation in an interview. The original article has since been rectified and we have no further announcements to make at this time.”


Number 4

The Elder Scrolls Online Release Dates Announced

The Elder Scrolls Online, an MMO set in the Elder Scrolls Universe has been given a release date of April 4, 2014 on PC and Mac. The game will come to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 a couple of months later, in June.

In addition to the release date reveals, Bethesda has released a new gameplay video for the game, titled W’ar in Cyrodiil’, where we see our three alliances rallying their forces right in the middle of the capital.


Number 3

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Releasing in March 2014

Konami has announced a release date of March 18, 2014 for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.

The news comes via a new trailer that shows the Xbox One/Xbox 360 exclusive ‘Jamais Vu’ mission. Similar to the Deja Vu mission that’s only on PS3/PS4 that lets you play as Classic Snake, Jamais Vu puts you in the role of Raiden (Post-Cyborg) infiltrating a naval base full of body snatchers.


Number 2

The Walking Dead Season Two Hits Xbox Live on Dec. 18th

A new ‘coming soon’ page released by Microsoft’s Major Nelson has revealed the date on which the platform will get The Walking Dead Season Two.

The first episode, ‘All That Remains,’ will come to the Xbox Live Games Store on December 18th for $4.99. Episodes 2-4 from the previous season will all see 66% discounts, for those that want to marathon the last season (bad idea) in preparation.


Number 1

The Walking Dead Season Two Trailer

Telltale Games has just released a new trailer for its upcoming season (season 2) of The Walking Dead. In this season, players take the role of Clementine who has to fend for herself against hordes of zombies. Episode one of The Walking Dead Season Two will be available just before Christmas. The game can be played on the Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Mac and compatible iOS devices.


Honorable Mentions


If you missed out on the big news items this week, you can check out our weekly podcast and get an audio update of this week’s madness from our podcasting team. Listen to us as we talk about some things seriously and a few other things not so much. We guarantee this episode will make you shake your fist at times and nod your head at others.

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