Anime Impressions: The Misfit of Demon King Academy

My Episode 1-3 Impressions on The Misfit of Demon King Academy

Every season has at least one anime that’s unapologetically made to be a power fantasy. The anime representative of the genre this season is The Misfit of Demon King Academy.


The anime follows our anti-hero Anos Voldigoad, who, after waging war with the humans, gods, and spirits, decides to continue fighting would be pointless so he gives up his magic and life to stop the war by isolating the kingdoms for a thousand years.  The story picks up 2000 years later, where Anos has been reincarnated and quickly ages himself from a baby to a teenager in a month to his parent’s surprise.

He then decides to try out for a demon academy which incidentally, is an academy aimed to find the next demon king. Once he arrives and takes part in the trials, however, it’s quite clear he’s the strongest amongst the rest, making short work and publicly humiliating his arrogant competitor in the most brutal, over the top, and quite frankly hilarious way possible.


A Different Type of Protagonist

The difference between Anos and other overpowered protagonists is that it’s way more fun watching him deal with those inferior to him. In every situation he’s faced so far, he knows he’s the strongest, so the question is not if he’s going to win but how. Whether it’s killing someone with his heartbeat and resurrecting them to do it all over again or lifting a castle with just one hand and throwing it miles away.

While the overpowered protagonist is certainly a done to death concept, it’s quite fun watching the amount of charisma he imbues in these situations, which makes it all the more entertaining watching these over the top moments. Another interesting thing about Anos is that he doesn’t have a typical “take over the world” end goal instead he’s more concerned with learning what’s changed with the world since his absence and enjoying is far humbler life.

A Dull Plot

Anos also encounters others upon joining the academy. One of which is Misha, a strong yet lovable kuudere who’s treated as a black sheep by her family. Yet, Misha doesn’t dwell on this and instead only focusses on her friendship and admiration for Anos, and also her wish to reconcile with her sister Sasha, who actively treats her like trash in the first few episodes.

This doesn’t last however, as upon joining Anos’s team; she quickly turns on them in the third episode, but it’s quite clear this is all an act that will most likely be further explored in the coming episodes.

Personally, the plot The Misfit of Demon King Academy offers so far is quite dull. It doesn’t bring up anything special in that department that hasn’t already been done countless times, for now, it just feels like the story presented to us is just filler between the crazy and entertaining moments most watch the anime for.

Some Potential

That is until the third episode, which brings an opportunity for that to change. It turns out before Anos left the world 2000 years ago, he made seven demon lords rule for him in his stead and we’re introduced to one of them Ivis, who upon meeting Anos has no recollection of him whatsoever.

Anos then realizes that not only did the world forget about him, but it also seems like his existence has been completely wiped and replaced by someone. This person appears to not only have the power to alter memories but also go back on time to change them as well, making them quite a formidable potential enemy.

This plot point is by far the most intriguing thing the series has presented so far as it manages to input an impressive amount of world-building in just an episode. Hopefully, it leaves up to expectations and isn’t overshadowed by the less interesting parts of the anime.

Final Thoughts

When it comes down to it, The Misfit of Demon King Academy is yet another junk food anime this season. An anime to watch and just enjoy the crazy moments. Yet it also has the potential to be something better, so hopefully, it leaves up to that potential and doesn’t join the ranks of mediocrity.

The Misfit of Demon King Academy is available to stream on Crunchyroll right now.

Have you seen The Misfit of Demon King Academy? What anime are you currently watching? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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