Games from 10 years ago tried to look as modern and graphically advanced as they could. Suddenly, 10 years on, some games have started trying to look old again, making graphics as blocky and clunky as possible to achieve the ‘retro’ appeal, which reminds gamers of the good ol’ days. A rather odd trend when viewed objectively, but who am I to pass judgement?
Now here comes BIT.TRIP Presents… Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien. For future reference we shall refer to it by a partial acronym, FLORA. The Bit Trip Runner series started life as a delightful foray into our past, with deliciously blocky pixels repainting our memories of yesteryear. It countered that nod to the past with clear evidence that it was actually capable of much more if it really wanted to, with some cool effects and backgrounds. So what started life as a retro-inclined game has now suddenly taken a graphical leap into the current era with the latest version, FLORA. But does it work when you modernise something designed to be retro?
Instinctively I would have said no. But FLORA annoyingly combats that by throwing in a whole bunch of retro levels to supplement the
To the uninitiated, the Bit Trip Runner series is a game that challenges your finger dexterity and rhythmical abilities to the absolute extreme. You play a little runner who must sprint through various levels, and must jump, duck, block, hit, leap, and dance your way through a host of levels that quickly become obscenely difficult. Reaching the end of the level is an accomplishment, then you need to do it again whilst collecting all the gold for a perfect run. Certainly not a game for button bashers, this requires an exquisite elegance as your fingers dance furiously through the various controls that will keep your little runner alive as he pelts through the various obstacles.
FLORA is certainly is not something you’ll drift through in a few hours, or a day, or even a week. Because of the vast amount of items to collect in each level, plus multiple routes through each level, plus the additional retro levels, plus unlockable extras which unlock further goodies throughout previously played levels, you will need a significant investment of time in order to obtain everything the game has to offer. There are plenty of Steam achievements too if the base game doesn’t keep you bashing your keyboard for enough months.
The problem is, now I need to highlight any issues the game may have. Any points which might make you question whether
This review was based on a final version of the game provided by Gajin Games
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